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Our Story

Serving the Whitesboro Community

North Union Church of Christ is a community of faith rooted in the love of God. We believe worship is not just found in prayer, it’s something expressed in everything we do. The church pursues a goal today to have a caring and sharing ministry together.  The church wishes to share Jesus with our community and to have a caring family of God.  The church as guided by the word of God strives"... for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ..."  (Ephesians 4:12).
Historically, the church first began to meet in Whitesboro sometime during the 1880"s.  The earliest records show the church meeting in 1923 on Sunday afternoons in the Nazarene building located on Wainwright Street.
In 1927 the church was meeting in the Wade hardware building on the corner of Main and Center street.  By 1929 the church had purchased a property on Sullivan Street with a view of one day having their own building to assemble for worship to God.  Brother T.J. (Tull) Brooks, father of Rosa Hollingshead, sold a Jersey cow and the money was used to purchase a building from a Baptist group, and the building was moved onto the Sullivan Street property.  The church met for several years at that location.
In 1945 the church purchased property on the corner of North union and Wainwright Streets.  The present structure was build in 1946.  Classrooms were added in 1950's and the 1970's.  The building consists of an auditorium with seating for 165, 4 classrooms, nursery, library, teachers resource room, fellowship room, and minister's office.  The church at the present time has an average of 125 in attendance each Sunday.  We invited you to come and join us to experience God’s grace for yourself. There’s a special place for you at North Union Church of Christ in Whitesboro, Texas.

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